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  • Van Gogh 2024-04-21

    Van Gogh
    Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch post-Impressionist artist, is regarded as one of the pioneers of modern art. Born in 1853 and passing away in 1890, his brief life left behind a rich and profound artistic legacy. Van Gogh's artistic career was fraught with poverty, illness, and psychological turmoil. Despite this, he earned admiration from future generations for his unique perspective and profound emotional expression. Van Gogh's works are known for their bold use of color and vigorous brushwork. He excelled in depicting ordinary scenes of daily life, infusing them with profound meaning and emotion. His paintings are filled with inner pain, loneliness, and exploration of life, reflecting his unique understanding of art and pursuit of beauty. Representative works of van Gogh include "Starry Night," the "Sunflowers" series, "Wheatfield with Crows," among others. These works caused a sensation at the time and have become classics in the history of art. His artistic influence far surpassed his recognition during his lifetime, making him one of the iconic figures of modern art. Despite van Gogh's unhappy life, his art remains immortal, inspiring people to contemplate and pursue life, beauty, and art.
  • Paul Cézanne 2024-04-21

    Paul Cézanne
    Paul Cézanne was a French post-Impressionist painter. His works and ideas influenced many artists and art movements of the 20th century, particularly Cubism. For much of his lifetime, his art was not understood or accepted by the public. Through his perseverance, he ultimately challenged all conventional painting values of the 19th century. Cézanne's greatest achievement lies in his unparalleled analysis of color and light, overturning traditional visual perspectives and removing spatial construction from the mix of blended colors, thus ushering in the era of pure art in painting, a feat no previous painting style had achieved. Therefore, he is hailed as the "father of modern art." He believed that shape and color were inseparable. He applied color to the canvas with geometric brushstrokes, gradually forming the surface of the painting. He advocated against using lines and light and shadow to depict objects, instead focusing on color contrast. He used blocks of color to represent the volume and depth of objects, employed the warm-cool variations of colors to create forms, and constructed images with geometric elements. At the end of the 19th century, Paul Cézanne was revered as the "vanguard of new art," and as a pioneer of modern art, Western modern painters refer to him as the "father of modern painting."
  • Michelangelo 2020-10-22

    Michelangelo Buonarroti (March 6, 1475-february 18, 1564), also translated as "Michelangelo", the great painter, sculptor, architect and poet of the Italian Renaissance, and the representative of the highest peak of sculpture art in the Renaissance. Together with Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti is known as the three outstanding figures after the Renaissance. His father was Lodovico Di Leonardo Buonarroti di simoni and his mother was Francesca Di Neri del Miniato Di Siena. He pursued the perfection of art all his life and adhered to his own artistic ideas. He died in Rome in 1564, and his style influenced artists for almost three centuries.
  • Raffaello 2020-10-22

    Raffaello Santi (full name: Raffaello Sanzio Da Urbino, from March 28, 1483 or April 6, 1520 to April 6, 1520), often known as Raphael, is a famous Italian painter and the youngest of the "three outstanding artists after the Renaissance", representing the peak that artists in the Renaissance can achieve in the cause of ideal beauty. His temperament is peaceful and elegant, and he has created a large number of Madonnas. His works fully reflect peace, coordination, harmony, symmetry and perfect and quiet order.
  • Leonardo da Vinci 2020-10-22

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci, Italian Renaissance painter, scientist and inventor. Modern scholars call him "the most perfect representative of the Renaissance". He is a unique omniscient in human history. His greatest achievement is painting. His masterpieces such as Mona Lisa and the last supper reflect his exquisite artistic attainments. Leonardo da Vinci has profound thought and profound knowledge. He is good at painting, sculpture, invention and architecture. He is familiar with mathematics, biology, physics, astronomy, geology and other disciplines.
  • Mark Chagall 2020-10-22

    Mark Chagall
    Mark Chagall (1887-1985), born in Belarus, is a great man in the history of modern painting. He is a pastoral writer who is free from Impressionism, cubism, abstract expressionism and other schools. His paintings show dreamy and symbolic techniques and colors. The word "surrealist" is created to describe his works.
  • Giorgio de Chirico 2020-10-22

    Giorgio de Chirico
    Giorgio de Chirico (1888-1978), an Italian painter, studied at the Munich Academy of fine arts, is an indispensable surreal art master in the history of western modern art in the 20th century.
  • Mucha 2020-10-22

    Alphonse Maria Mucha, a Czechoslovak painter, was born on July 24, 1860 and died on July 14, 1939. His works not only have a huge number, but also span many art fields