

Shu Yamamoto 



Shu Yamamoto

1948  Born in Yokohama, Japan.

1971  Graduates from the Aichi Prefectural University of Art  Major in Industrial Design.

1974  With his wife and 8 month old son, immigrates to Canada.  Works as an illustrator.

1983  Moves to the United States. Engages in travel and translation business while being a freelance artist.

2007  A chance leads him to start painting cat version of famous paintings of the world.

2009  Meets Ms. Molly (a cat) off the street and immediately hired her as a live-in assistant.

2012  “Cat Art Collection”  was published from Kyuryudo, a leading art book publisher in Japan.

2013  Adapts Ms. Neko (a cat) as his family member.  Ms. Neko is from a pet adoption agency.

2015  Solo exhibition at Seibu Department Store in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.  20 thousand visitors in 10 days.

2016  Solo exhibitions at Daimaru Department Store in Osaka and Seibu Shibuya in Tokyo.

2019  First oversea exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan.  100 thousand visitors.  Exhibition in Kaohsiung followed.

2020  Solo exhibition in Ishinomaki Miyagi, Japan.  20 thousand visitors.

          First oversea solo replica exhibition in Hong Kong.

2021  Solo exhibition in Shanghai is underway 

2021  July Solo replica exhibition is underway in Marui department store in Tokyo

